Peace Summit 5th Edition – “Fight Against Internet Hate”


Preneur Lab in partnership with The EMK Center and RTV organized the 5th edition of Peace Summit on 16th November 2019 on the International Day for Tolerance. The theme of Peace Summit 5 was “Fight Against Internet Hate Speech” and it’s consequences and finally discussion related to a potential solution. 

This event was about spreading less hate comment, troll and propaganda on the internet. Now a day’s around 80 millions of people use internet in Bangladesh. Commenting or posting hate comments, trolling someone and spreading propaganda is a known scenario in social media. For this reason, many offensive occurrences have been seen online social media as well as in our everyday lives. This creates violence among us and people surrounding us are being more aggressive than before and it spread negativity in our society. Preneur Lab, Trust and EMK Center organized “Peace Summit 5” activities on November 16th, focusing on International Tolerance Day. 

RTV was the media partner of the event. The Peace Summit 5 special guest speakers at the opening session include :


Ambassador (Retd) M Humayun Kabir, Former Bangladeshi Ambassador to the US,

Asif Uddin Ahmed, Acting Director, EMK Center,

Robert Stoelman, Project Manager, UNDP,

Manik Mahmud, Head of Social Innovation Cluster, a2i, ICT Division,

Syeda Samara Mortada, Communication Analyst, UN Women,

Dr. Karna Cohen, Director of Research, USAID’s Obirodh Project,

Joshua W. Kamp, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Dhaka.


Peace Summit is an open platform, aimed at bringing together development professionals, policymakers, researchers, law enforcement agencies and young people to work together to discuss issues and issues in Bangladesh. Peace Summit 5 is aimed at younger generations; Social issues, including violent extremism, diversity, mental well-being, online safety and the fight against rumours, were discussed here. Experts from across the country and abroad have discussed these important issues at Peace Summit 5.

